
Horns and Claws

Rockefeller Center, employing hundreds of elevator boys, had no labor trouble at all during the recent strikes. Naturally any man with the brain-power of a glow-worm, with the heart of a dead beetle, or with te liberalism of a hard- shelled clam, will want to know the reason for the servile degeneracy of the Center masses. Have they upside-down stomachs, weak knees, brains like boiled cauliflowers, or no guts at all? Or perhaps the trouble is not physical, but moral and spiritual.

Well, the reason lies not for distant. Those master-oppressions of labor, the Rockefellers, with almost a century's experience and through three generations, have kept the elevator boys in their center from true, vigorous, united, class-conscious mass-action through the most underhanded, myet effective methods of nose grinding yet devised; they pay high wages, help their workers in organizing, give them pensions, work them reasonably short hours, educate them to weak cooperation with their employers.

Not only does this make the workers weak, spineless, and servile, so that in the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, another perpetrator of these policies, there have been no strikes or labor troubles of any kind since the beginning of the depression, and, even easier, far before under the present leadership, but also this treatment of labor is now absolutely illegal. Heroes Wagner and Roosevelt (my blessing upon them for many services rendered) have made such activitiy absolutey illegal.

On July 5, 1935, the National Labor Relations Act (known as the 'Wagner Bill') passed Congress, in which I now have a large majority, and was signed by the President, whom now I practically monopolize. Section 8 (2) of this splendid act states that "it shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer to dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of any labor organization or contribute financial or other support to it."

Who can deny that the management of Rockefeller Center does not dominate the union, that it did not help to form it, that it does not contribute, if not financial, which is most likely, at least some sort of "other" support to it? No wonder, with such arrant lawbreakers in charge, that the elevator boys in the Center did not rise in their might and shake their shackles.


I demand that the management of Rockefeller Center be kidnapped, investigated, calumniated, and thrown into jail. Especially Mr. Rockefeller Jr., who has been one of my greatest enemies for years. SATAN
