"Acquisition of Property by Willfully Killing Another" by John W. Wade, grL, is one of the three featured articles in the Harvard Law Review appearing today. Wade, a graduate of the University of Mississippi, now a graduate student in the Law School, presents a model statute covering all situations of purposeful murder.
Joseph Warren '97, Weld Professor of Law, contributed an article on "Interpretations of Wills--Recent Developments," and the last of the major contributions is on "Rate and Measure in Jurisdiction to Tax." The author is Charles L.B. Lowndes, now a professor in the Georgetown Law School, and formerly on the staff of the Law School.
Among the reviews of recent law books, is a criticism of "Bankruptey in United States History" by Charles Warren, famous historian of the Supreme Court. The reviewer is James A. McLaughlin, L.L.B '16, Professor of Law.
Also included in the reviews is a discussion of "The Law of Bonds and Bond Securities" by Leonard A. Jones. This criticism is contributed by Edwin M. Dodd, Jr. '10. Editorial notes and discussions of judicial decisions in 20 recent cases close the March number.
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