
Samborski Selects 18 for Freshman Baseball Trip

Yardlings Will Open Season Tuesday in Baltimore With Gilman

Eighteen Yardling ball players were selected last night by Coach Adolph Samberski to make the annual Spring Trip. The first game will be played on Tuesday, March 31 in Baltimore, Maryland, with the Gilman School. Teams from Mercersburg, St. Alban's, and Staunton will also be met.

Elliot Bacon, Mike Coburn, and Paul Counihan are the receivers who will direct the slants of Jack Allen, Slim Curtiss, Ben Gifford, Dick Klein, and Don Pouty. All the pitchers are right-handed except for Allen, who is a south-paw.

Uli Lupien, Art Johns, Dick Grondahl, and Fred Heekel hold down the first infield positions, while Dick Galbraith, Joe Soltz, and Henry Thompson will provide capable replacements. For the outer gardens patrol there will be Jack Cunningham, George Earle, Bob Gannett, and possibly some of the pitching staff to choose from.
