Under the directorship of Valentine J. Chapman, exchange student from England, "Lady Audley's Secret" has been prepared for revelation to a Puritan audience at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. Production will take place in the Junior Common Room. Ladies may be invited.
A Goose for the Pianist
Academic peace and quiet of Winthrop was rudely upset last week by intermittent shrill squawks, driving several members from their books to a sleuthing expedition. The disturbance was traced to a balcony outside the window of a well-known Puritan pianist, upon which was perched a goose, evidently playing the role of fan mail. The goose has been removed, and members of the House go to their meals with an air of expectancy.
House Committee Nominees
The following Juniors have been nominated for the House Committee: Daniel E. Burbank, Jr., Edward T. Gignoux, Ernest A. Gray, Jr., Herbert W. Horne, Jr., Chester W. MacArthur, Joseph a. Maiullo, 2nd, Edward O. Miller, Thomas S. Sappington, and Edward L. Young, 3d. Three will be elected.
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