Students who are thinking of stretching their approaching vacation will meet the same restrictions as prevailed at Christmas. The complete rules follow:
"The same policy that was followed at Christmas regarding attendance before and after the recess will be used at the time of the April vacation, which begins on March 30th. Absences from the last class before and from the first class after the April recess in courses taken primarily by Juniors and Seniors (that is, courses for which attendance reports are not regularly required during term time) will not be reported to the Dean's Office.
"In the case of a Junior or Senior not on the Dean's List whose last class before or the first class after the April recess is in a course in which attendance is regularly taken, absence will not mean immediate disciplinary action, but such absence, will naturally be regarded as an indication of neglect of work if a student's record becomes unsatisfactory in any way. Freshmen, including both new and dropped Freshmen, and Sophomores who extend the April recess will ordinarily be subject to probation unless they are on the Dean's List. Attendance is regularly reported in most of the courses taken by Freshmen and Sophomores.
"All upperclassmen on probation are required to register at the Dean's Office on the day of their last class meeting before the April recess and on the first day after the recess. Such students are also required to attend their last and first classes before and after the recess. A special letter has been sent to each man on probation regarding this requirement.
"As has been previously explained, the whole plan of not reporting attendance in advanced courses which are taken primarily by Juniors and Seniors is being tried as an experiment. The Faculty Council has requested that a careful study of the working of the plan should be made and a report presented at the end of the year in order to determine future policy. An especially appeal is therefore made to under-graduates not to abuse the new system."
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