Ernest A. Gray, Jr. '37, rangy Varsity center who has been the mainstay of the Crimson basketeers this season, was elected captain of the team for 1936-37 at a meeting of basketball lettermen held last night, succeeding Leavitt S. White '37.
"Bill" Gray, who lives at Roslyn, Long Island, and prepared at St. Paul's School in Garden City, held down the center post on his Freshman team and was named for the same position on the second all-league team this year. He has played an outstanding game all season, and has figured prominently in the scoring column.
In the Princeton game he scored a total of 10 points, and saved the day for Harvard by putting in three goals in the last three minutes of play, pulling the game out of the fire, and gaining a thrilling victory for the Crimson by one point, 32-31. He distinguished himself no less in the first Yale game, scoring 11 points despite the efforts of Larry Kelley and two other Elis to restrain him.
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