Henry S. Stone '38 will perform on his nine-foot unicycle as one of the features of the Instrumental Clubs' concert at 8.15 o'clock tonight at the Masonic Temple in Cambridge.
Stone, who acquired the machine recently, has been perfecting his technique on the basketball floor at the Indoor Athletic Building in preparation for his appearances with the clubs.
The concert will include performances by the vocal, banjo, and mandolin, clubs, and the Gold Coast Orchestra, as well as several speciality acts. It will be the first of two successive appearances in as many days for the clubs, which will also entertain in its annual concert at the Milton Club tomorrow evening.
Henry B. Robbins '36 will direct the vocal club, which will render three songs, "The Drums," "The Pope," and "Winter Song." An outstanding part of the program is the "Juba" piece.
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