Anybody who needs in ichthyologist, a marine, an actuarian, a piano tuner, a vagrant, or a grocer should consult the Senior Class. What is more, these are not the only unusual careers chosen by the 1075 members of the Class of 1936 who will appear in the Album.
For instance, the Class possesses a Roosevelt who does not plan to enter politics in Theodore Roosevelt, 3rd. He will forsake the path trod by his grandfather, his father, and his fifth cousin, once removed, to become an ordinary business man. The scion of another family, significant in American history, David Rockefeller, also plans to enter business after a year or two of graduate study in economics.
Earning Kudos Already
There are men who are already earning their living. John Cromwell has appeared in "The Old Maid"; W. Dana Hardwick has just made his theatrical debut in "Ethan Frome"; Timothy Fuller is about to have a detective story published by Little, Brown & Co.; Thomas H. Dowd, Jr. is a second lieutenant in the 315th cavalry of the United States Army; and H. B. Jones is a professional piano tuner.
In another year George T. Skinner will be a marine; Richard P. Bissell, a professional baseball player; Hyman Goldenstein, a vagrant; Paul C. Tiffany, an ichthyologist; Otto W. Sprague, a grocer; and William H. Durfee, an actuarian.
Imitates Forefathers
Russell Grinnell will imitate his New Bedford forefathers by entering the fishing industry; Gladwin A. Hill, Transcript correspondent, will deal in ice, coal, and whimsy; and Frank E. Sweetser Jr., another journalist, will become a stenographer. Then Roger W. Drury is attracted by writing, Samuel J. Silberman by farming, and William H. M. Glazier by forestry.
The first man in the Album is Charles F. Aber, Jr. and the last in Hyman W. Zussman. The longest lifeblank which was received was that of Francis J. Whitfield, class poet. There was one member who concentrated in romance, John Clement, hockey player. There was another in Walter Lawrence who makes the Dionne quintuplets look sick by proving that a man born last July can handle the Senior year at Harvard with a minimum of difficulty. Richard M. Starr caused the greatest concern by announcing that his only home is Kirkland House. Orville H. Emmons reported that he was an "active" member of the Mountaineering Club.
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