"Does Wisdom Signify?" is the title of the third Charles Eliot Norton lecture to be given by Robert Frost in the New Lecture Hall at 8 o'clock tonight.
The first two lectures were entitled respectively "The Old Way to Be New" and "Vocal Imagination."
"Is wisdom the standard of excellence in the arts?" is the paraphrased title of tonight's talk. Mr. Frost believes that there are four fundamental classes of poets, those who value poetry for its linguistic or purely technical content, those who find its worth chiefly in its character as a historical document, those who use the manifestation of wisdom as a poetic criterion, and lastly, those who find the philosophy in poetry its most valuable element.
Mr. Frost will discuss chiefly the third class this evening, and will attempt to explain whether wisdom expressed in one's writing is the quality most to be desired in a person who produces creative literature.
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