Four new courses, organized since the Course Catalogue for 1936-37 went to press, have been announced by the Fine Arts Department. They are survey courses designed to fill the gap between Fine Arts 1d, which covers the history of European art from the Fall of Rome to modern times in a half year, and those dealing with fairly specialized subjects.
Functionally, these courses divide the material covered by 1d into four periods, and assemble material which hitherto could be covered only by taking several detailed courses. They will also provide a means for concentrators in History and English to study the development of art during the period they are studying. They are:
Fine Arts B: Early Christian and Mediaeval Art, given by Professor Koehler and Dr. Deknatel, meeting Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 9 o'clock.
Fine Arts D: Renaissance Art in Northern Europe, given by Professor Sachs, Assistant Professor Opdycke, and Dr. Kuhn; omitted in 1936-37.
Fine Arts E: Baroque Art, given by Assistant Professor Opdycke and McComb and Dr. Kuhn; meeting Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 11 o'clock.
Fine Arts F: Modern Painting, given by Professor Sachs, Dr. Kuhn, and Dr. Deknatel; meeting Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 12 o'clock.
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