
Horns and Claws

After the next war, let's hope the conquerors will practice the lessons of the last. Imagine the silliness of it anyway, when you've just beaten a homicidal maniac who hates you, letting him loose to find a new blunderbuss. Any man with the brains God gave the glow-worm would know enough to disarm him completely, throw him naked into a jail, and keep a close watch on the implements coming to him with his necessaries of life.

But Germany, in fact, was a jail within whose bars any number of deadly instruments could be forged. That would merely have made it necessary for the victor to keep close watch on the maniac's activities, as well as imports. As soon as spies reported rearmament, military occupation would immediately follow, and the manufacture prevented.

But that, argues the apologists of Weakness, would have made him madder and more maniacal than ever. Yes, but how dangerous is a madman if you have a gun to shoot him with when he gets funny? As for relative strength, look what Great Britain did to India with a few thousand soldiers, and who has heard of the Boers in all these years, though their hate at first after defeat must have been as great even as that of a Frenchman for a German?

Yes, truly, after the next war, let the winner take over the beaten country and keep it down. If popular opinion gets strong, and riots start, shoot down a couple of thousand of the natives. If that makes the riots even fiercer, shoot down thousands more. Sooner or later they'll get used to subservience, and then wars with that particular country, whether it be Great Britain, France, Italy, or Germany again, will be no more. SATAN
