

Crimson Questionnaires Will Supply Discussion Basis--Hedblom, Tobin, and Harvin Chosen

Headed by Jack D. Andrews, a committee of eleven Yardlings will serve as the CRIMSON's second Confidential Guide Committee and go into action Thursday on a report of the Freshman class setup from the Freshman's point of view.

The Committee

In addition to Andrews, business manager of the Red Book, committee members include Arthur E. Brown, tennis star, Robert P. Brown, Raymond S. Cline, Robert Coquillette, Conant Scholar, Karl M. Davies, James R. English, Jr., Joseph S. Harvin, Union Committeeman, Richard P. Hedblom, Class President, Richard Sullivan, Conant Scholar, and James Tobin, Conant Scholar, secretary of the Freshman debating Society, and Group 1 member.

Following the example of the first group, organized last year under the direction of Francis Keppel '38, the committee will back up its opinions by material gained from the Questionnaire on 1939 studies distributed last month.

Type of Subjects


Subjects dealt with in 1935 were of an academic nature or dealt with the class at large, such as the question of compulsory athletics for Student Waiters, class elections, etc.

The committee's report was submitted to Dean Leighton, and many of its recommendations were acted upon entirely or in part.

New topics have been found for discussion this year, while it is also considered necessary to reiterate the original stand taken on certain questions. Likely subjects of investigation are courses in Government, Physics, and advanced courses open to Freshmen.
