
Matthiessen and Frost Will Speak at Teachers Meeting

New England Association to Be Host at Annual Dinner

Featuring the annual meeting of the New England Association of Teachers in English to be held in Cambridge and Boston tomorrow and Saturday, will be a lecture by Robert Frost, Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry. He will speak after the dinner starting at 6.15 o'clock tomorrow night in the Hotel Commander.

Also speaking at the dinner will be Francis O. Matthiessen '27, associate professor of History and Literature, who will discuss "Current Literary Trends"

Teaching Conference Tomorrow

The Association's two-day meeting will begin tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in Agassiz Hall, Radcliffe, with the "Harvard Conference", sponsored jointly by the Harvard Teachers Association and the New England Association. Practical methods of teaching English composition, literature, grammar, and library use will be discussed.

Founded in 1900 to promote interchange of ideas on teaching English, the New England Association of Teachers of English now numbers over 1000 members.
