
Semitic Museum Offers Four Lectures on Archaeology

Excavations in Egypt, Near East, and Crete Will Be Subjects

Archaeological excavations in Egypt, the Near East, and Crete, will be the subjects for a series of illustrated public lectures to be given in Room One of the Semitic Museum, Divinity Avenue on Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 4 o'clock until Friday, March 20.

Kirsopp Lake, professor of History, will deliver the next lecture tomorrow on "The Archaeology of Palestine and the Gospels". On Friday, Henry J. Cadbury '04, Hollis Professor of Divinity, will talk about "Archaeology and the Book of Acts".

"The Discovery of a Phoenician City and of its Literature at Ras Shamra" will be the subject for Wednesday, March 18, when Robert H. Pfeiffer, Curator of the Semitic Museum, will lecture. Dows Dunham '14, of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, will deliver the last lecture on Friday, March 20 on "The Unplundered Tomb of an Egyptian Queen (Hetepheres)."
