To Professor Bruce Hopper and his courses, Government 18 and 30, is due great credit. Modern international relations are without doubt the most vital, the most absorbing, and the most kaleidoscopic of the factors affecting us today; but to interpret them accurately, and to summarize briefly the vast material is a job requiring great skill, personal experience, and keen intelligence. The fact that many who took Government 30 last year are sitting in on it again is a tribute to Professor Hopper's easy, up-to-date, and always humorous presentation of Asiatic affairs.
His emphasis is on Russia, much of the material being taken from the books he has published on the U.S.S.R. Wide travel and keen personal interest in the problems involved in Russia's offensive expansion to the cast enable him to vivify the difficulties of assimilating under central control peoples who are racially different, and who speak 183 different dialects. Although Russia is emphasized, much attention is given to the "Middle East bloc", to China, and to Japan. Personally convinced that world politics of the next century hinge on Asia, he instills his personal enthusiasm into his audience.
Professor Hopper is an example of the improvement which is manifest when a lecturer concerns himself with the presentation of his material as well as with its profundity.
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