Freshmen will have an opportunity to discuss the merits of the various fields of concentration with professors or instructors in those fields, according to a plan adopted by the Union Committee last night.
By the middle of March, all members of the class of '39 must select their field of concentration, and it was to assist the class in making this choice that the Committee has decided to ask men in different subjects to talk over the problems involved.
The Committee will endeavor to obtain a talk on the relation of the field of concentration to one's proposed job after graduation.
At the meeting last night the Committee also decided to hold a series of tournaments to determine the Freshman champion in billiards, ping-pong, bridge, and chess. Entry lists for these tournaments are posted at the Union, and entries may be made until Monday night.
At the first amateur musicale, sponsored last night by the Union Committee, about 250 were present. Leonard Bernstein was master of ceremonies and took part in the concert as well.
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