
The Crime

The Eastern Steamship Lines operate night boats between Boston and New York. At times, the rumour goes, these journeys are indeed pleasant, what with a dance orchestra on board, a bar near at hand, and that freedom of thought and natural disappearance of reticence which the sea air induces.

There is a law which requires boats to fly certain flags under certain circumstances, but a situation arose last Sunday night which annoyed the officials of the Eastern Steamship Line and perplexed the most astute sea lawyers. The situation, one of many perplexing situations which arose during the week-end, due, perhaps to the natural disappearance of reticence, perhaps to the fact that certain Dunster Funsters finished Mid-years on Wednesday, involved the appearance of an unknown and hitherto unnoted flag on the Atlantic coast, floating gracefully from the mast of Eastern's dignified Saint John.

Investigation threw the officials of the boat into an uproar. There were veiled threats regarding the throwing of college boys into the brig and taking them back to New York. Passengers snickered. Finally, however, the new flag was retrieved and revealed to one and all for what it was, the most important half of a pair of striped and vividly coloured pajamas that have adorned the closet and person of a Dunster Senior for lo these many months.

She was a sweet, curly-haired child; about four she was, with the lovely innocence of youth staring from her large brown eyes. Toddling along snow filled Cowperthwaite Street, her red sled trailing majestically behind, she furnished the pause that refreshes to Dunstermen hurrying to classes. Her kindly smile sent many of them back to their own childhood, when life was not a mass of troubles, and happiness a thing possessed, not sought after.

Whirling into Cowperthwaite from Memorial Drive, a small car sent shivers of concern down the spines of helpless onlookers. Their fears, however, were premature. The tiny darling tripped suddenly yet daintily to the certain safety of the sidewalk, hastily exclaiming to no one in particular:


"Jeezus cats! Here comes a car!"
