In honor of the "Children of Recovery," an exhibit of the American Chemical Society, the Mallinckrodt Laboratory will hold open house on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings from 7.30 until 10 o'clock.
Successor to the "Children of Depression" exhibit of a few years ago, this display consists of chemical products invented within the last two years. Weather-proof paints, dyes, high-powered explosives and a recently discovered method of isolating the elusive vitamin "D" are on view. As a proof that our contemporary chemists have not entirely neglected the lighter side of life, the latest method for aging green whisky takes a well-earned position among its more sedate brethren of "recovery."
Debut at Grand Central Palace
The exhibition made its debut at the Chemical Industries Exhibit held in the Grand Central Palace this fall. Arthur B. Lamb, Erving Professor of Chemistry, became interested in it at that time, and used his influence to bring the "Children" here as soon as possible after their New York appearance.
Heavy Water Display
As a supplement to the "Children of Recovery," the apparatus used by Grinell Jones, professor of Chemistry and Holmes J. Fornwalt, research assistant, in their measurement of the viscosity of heavy water may also be on display. Employing the most sensitive device in the world for this work, they discovered that heavy water has a viscosity of 23 per cent greater than that of ordinary distilled water.
Viscosity Tests More Accurate
Viscosity tests are made by measuring the speed of fall of the liquid in a fine glass capillary tube. In earlier tests, observation of the speed of fall was made by the human eye and the time was recorded on a hand operated stop watch. The new method makes use of an automatic timing device which replaces the human eye with a photoelectric cell.
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