

To those few undergraduates who are mildly interested in the results of their semester's work the difficulty of obtaining grades and the impossibility of seeing corrected blue books are issues of at least passing interest. Some, whose concern is leavened by the proximity of probation or Dean's List, have been known to rear back on their hind legs and shout disapproval in no uncertain terms, audible even in University Hall.

The fact that students are desirous of seeing their mutilated masterpieces is no indication that there still exists a belief that papers are graded in such unorthodox methods as the stairway system. Such a desire might even be attributed to a craving for knowledge, the interest of the eager scholar to know wherein he has erred, to profit by his mistakes and augment his fund of information even after examinations.

Whatever the philosophy which stands behind the present system, the fact remains that a student, to discover his marks before the prospect of spring vacation has eradicated his desire, must have at least a minor connection with the pretty young ladies in University 3, and to see his corrected paper--there politics, perseverance, and ingenuity produce no more results than an effort to ascertain President Conant's telephone number. The graded blue books in Professor Lowes' English 50 were returned. This is an indication that neither the laws of Massachusetts nor the statues of Harvard College prohibit such action. Perhaps this notice will bring to the attention of the academic brains directing the destinies of such courses as Economics A, English 2, English 22 a situation which possibly has escaped them in the press of more important affairs--some of their students would like to see corrected blue books.
