Competitions open at the CRIMSON Building tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock for Freshmen, and Sophomores. Members of 1939 can compete for the Business Board, the Photo Board, and the News Board; 1938 for the Business and Editorial Boards.
What's to Be Gained
Just what is the point in getting on to the CRIMSON? The business competition offers experience in handling advertising, contacting commercial enterprises, handling a business involving many thousands of dollars a year.
The editorial competition offers training in writing, chance of exerting considerable influence in the College; it also opens the door to investigation into many college subjects.
News Work
News investigation into every field in the University often leads one on an interesting chase, often involving contacts and friendship with many interesting faculty men.
The Photographic Board offers training in a completely equipped dark room; the making of every type of picture by daylight or flashlight. Come around tomorrow.
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