

Junior Elections Committee to Send Postcards to Commuters; New Ballot Box in Dudley

Raymond S. Clark will head a committee of seven Seniors to make nominations for the Senior Class Elections, which will be held this month. Also serving on the committee are Theodore S. Darrah, F. Stanton Deland, James L. Kunen, Richard Maguire, George S. Squibb, and Edwin O. Tilton.

Elections February 18

The elections, changed this year from the fortnight following the Yale game, will begin on Tuesday, February 18. At that time balloting will take place for first, second, and third Marshals, Treasurer, Chorister, Orator, Odist, and Poet. Nominations for this first election will be announced next Monday.

At the second election on March 3 a class Secretary, the Class Day Committee, and the Permanent Class Committee will be chosen. In each election four days will be allowed for making additional nominations by petition. Such petitions must be signed by 25 Seniors.

Ivy Orator


As a result of an amendment made last month to the Student Council constitution, the Ivy Orator has been withdrawn from popular election, and will be chosen from a competition held by the Class Day Committee and the three Marshals.

Thomas H. Quinn '36, president of the Council, when announcing the nominating committee, said that the Junior Committee in charge of elections, Thomas H. Bilodeau and George T. Hedblom, would send post cards to all commuting students notifying them of the places and dates of the balloting. In addition to the regular balloting boxes in the seven houses and in Sever, Pierce, and Har- vard Halls, one will be provided at Dudley Hall.

Committee Biographies

Clark, the chairman of the nomination committee, is Captain of the Crew and a graduate of Groton; Darrah, a commuter, is a graduate of Quincy High; Deland, a graduate of Noble and Greenough, was Manager of the Football team last fall. Kunen was formerly a member of the Boxing team.

Maguire, a graduate of Boston Latin and Exeter, is serving his second year as captain of Baseball. Squibb was Business Manager and, for a short time. President of last year's Pudding show. Tilton, a graduate of Andover, is an editor of the CRIMSON
