
Hedblom Becomes President of Freshmen by Five Vote Margin

Wilson Misses Third Place by Six Votes, While Foote and Gannett Are Last

Richard Peter Hedblom polled five more votes than Francis Chester Harding, Jr. at the Union yesterday to become president of the Freshman Class.

Harding, with a total of 327 votes is the new vice-president. Philip Dean with 266 votes wins the post of Secretary-Treasurer.

The results of both the primary and final elections, as tabulated by Arthur A. Ballantine, Jr. '36 and Francis Keppel '38, Student Council representatives in charge of Freshman affairs, follow: Name  Election  Primary Hedblom  332  166 Harding  327  126 Dean  266  98 Wilson  260  92 Foote  248  106 Gannett  207  102

The Hedblom and Harding ballots were counted three times; these of Dean and Clifford Walker Wilson, the football captain, twice.

The new President, who graduated from Lakeview High School, lives in Cambridge and Thaver 32. Like his brother George, he is a football player. He is also a member of the Union Committee and of the boxing team.


Harding, of Chestnut Hill and Lionel B-32, prepared at Noble and Greenough School. He is captain of the hockey team and was a member of the football team.

Dean, of Brookline and Holworthy 7, prepared at Exeter. He is a candidate for the crew.

The innovation of having a primary had its chief effect on the four candidates who polled less votes than the others. If Hedblom had been elected in the primary, however, he would have received only 23 per cent of the votes cast. Under the new system he received 58 per cent.

The only results of the primary visible at a cursory glance, are the lessening of the influence of individual groups and the tendency to elect the most widely known men of the Class.

547 Freshmen, or 58 per cent of the Class, voted yesterday, 597 voted in the primary
