
Harvard Law Review Elects New Board for Next Season

Two Harvard Graduates Among Mix New Officers

Members of the board of the Harvard Law Review have announced the election of officers for the year 1936-37. The list of new officers follows:

President, John T. Sapienza '34, of Irvington, New Jersey; Note Editor, Adrian S. Fisher, of Memphis, Tennessee; Legislation Editor, Archibald Cox '34, of Plainfield, New Jersey; Case Editor, Nathan B. David, of Roxbury; Book Review Editor, V. Norman Landstrom, of Middleborough; Treasurer, W. Willard Wirtz, of Dekalb, Illinois.

The above-named board will have charge of the publication of the Review for the 50th Anniversary Issue next year. It will feature surveys of a very important field of law during the past 50 years, written by men who are acknowledged leaders in their specialties.
