
Curley Swears Off Cigars for Lent; Follows Policy of Lincoln in Ignoring Calumnies of Political Opponents

"Harvard and Washington Always Wrong" in Prognostication of Events

"No thanks boys, I've sworn off for Lent" said Governor Curley as the cigars were passed around yesterday noon up on Beacon Hill "You-know, sworn off to make up some of my sins", he explained.

"What about the gallon of Bacardi you got last week?" asked a knowing member of the press as he examined the label on the expensive stogy. "Smiling Jim" merely smiled again and adroitly changed the subject by slapping a silver dollar on the table.

"What's that?" he asked the CRIMSON reporter and all the members of the chamber got ready to laugh. To the uniniated it looked like what the Radcliffe girl tried to throw across the Charles but the Governor said that wasn't the answer and the Chamber shook their heads. "No, no, my boy, that's the symbol of the Boosevelt administration" and the crowded Council Room guffawed, but the Governor told him to keep the dollar so the reporter smiled too.

When questioned about his opinion on the practical advantages of the Littauer School, Governor Curley laughed outright and said, "Particularly in Republican states do we need college men trained in government. The business of government is the least understood and the most important in the world.

Endowed Institutions Good


Even in this day of increased governmental control in schools and colleges, Governor Curley feels that "it is impossible to overestimate the value of endowed universities in modern life because these institutions have the funds to undertake investigations impossible for state or private colleges. Extensive research would not be feasible if it were not for endowments" he continued.

Branching off to discuss the political opposition, he continued, "The report has come to me that a certain State Street lawyer has offered jobs in the state detective force for $1000 apiece. That is one of the troubles we have to face-to make the public realize that this is no longer a Republican administration and that jobs are now obtainable on merit alone."

Harvard, Washington Wrong

With regard to the results obtained from the CRIMSON-Herald-Tribune Poll Governor Curley smiled again as he said, "The recent CRIMSON poll predicting the defeat of Roosevelt proves one thing conclusively, for Harvard prognostications like those of Washington are never right. It means that Roosevelt will carry at least 40 states in the next election.

Governor Curley concluded his audience with a discussion of the question of political enemies and the statements that they make, saying, "the picadors and pettifoggers and pretenders to the Royal Purple Throne in Massachusetts, having become obsessed with the idea that I am the entire Democratic Party, I have this day designated a committee to answer these lackeys.

"Doss Very Best He Can"

"I am actuated in the adoption of this movement through the reading of a most interesting paragraph by one of America's leading Republicans in the past, Abraham Lincoin, who said, "If I were trying to read, much less answer all the attacks made on me, this shop might well be closed for any other business.

"I do the best I know how, the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing it to the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me will not amount to anything. If the end brings me out all wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make me difference.
