
Among The Minors

Varsity Hoopmen Meet Penn Away Tonight

Chances for a Crimson victory are better than average when the Varsity basketball five meets Pennsylvania, now holding fourth place in the League, at Philadelphia tonight.

In a game with Penn earlier in the season, the Feslermen were edged 26-24 in one of the closest matches of the season. The Crimson men were chiefly worried by the Quakers offense system which at the time was different from their own. Tonight, however, Harvard will use the same type of offense, which puts them on an equal footing with their rivals.

Coach Wes Fesler is taking the following men on the trip: White, Gray, Struck, McGowan, Lowman, Kuhn, Damneer, Wills, Lavietes, Litman.

Jayvees Win

Playing an afternoon game against Tufts, the Crimson J.V. team turned in one of the best performances of the season to win 30-6.


Today the Jayvees will clash with the Lynn Y.M.C.A., reputedly one of the strongest teams the Crimson men will meet all season.
