The Lone Wolf has returned for the ast time, apparently, since he has got himself married in this interesting picture about a jewel thief who reforms and marries the intended victim. We are rather glad Melvyn Douglas met Gail Patrick and decided to change his taking ways because there have been so many 'best jewel thiefs in all of Europe" on the screen in the last two years that we were getting rather confused. The butler and valet have come into an increasingly important role in many stores lately and Raymond Walburn justifies his promotion to the rank of valet in this picture.
"The Magnificent Obsession" follows the same story of a man becoming a doctor in order to save the life of the girl he loves. Robert Taylor is the man and Irene Dunne the girl but unfortunately Taylor's acting does not approach he mature work of his leading lady who holds the spotlight. Charles Butterworth and Henry Armetta add their typical bits of humor as newly-wed and valet respectively. It is a generally mediocre piece but entertaining, nevertheless.
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