Clever stickwork by Captain Wilson and Pete Dominick who made 17 goals between them, proved too much for he Crimson riders as they lost 18-9 to Yale in the New Haven Armory Saturday night.
Captain Ed Gerry of the Crimson opened to the scoring by a brilliant goal which as quickly followed by a tally from the ballot of Skiddy Von Stade. After this, the Blue riders dominated the evening's play, especially in the last chukker when they ran up seven goals to two for the editors.
Falling to score in a five minute over-time chukker, the Freshman Polo Team tied the Cavalry Cossacks 3 1/2 to 3 1/2 Saturday night in the Commonwealth Armory. Goals--Yale, Wilson 10, P. Dominick 7, B. Dominick 2; Harvard, Von Stade 5, Gerry 3.
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