
Faculty Appointments for Half Year Are Announced

Nicholas Polunin Becomes Research Associate at Herbarium

Appointed research associate of the Gray Herbarium for the current half year, Nicholas Polunin heads the list of new faculty appointments. Polunin, Oxford '32; Henry Travelling Fellow 1933-34; is at present working at the Herbarium.

Emanuel R. Mitz of Boston, M.D. University of Paris '28 has been appointed as assistant in Genito-Urinary Surgery for the current half year. Harry L. Kozol S.B. '29, of Boston, will serve as assistant in Psychiatry also for this half year.

For the current academic year, Claude W. Thompson, Jr. D.M.D. '35 as assistant in Operative Dentistry, and Stanley B. Virkler D.M.D. '34, of Castorland, N.Y., as assistant in Extracting and Anaesthesia.
