An address by President Conant on "Education for Professional Leadership" will be a feature of the annual banquet of the Progressive Education Association during its three day national conference in Chicago on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, February 27, 28, and 29.
In general, the program of the conference deals with three periods of the child's growth--from two to eight years of age; from eight to 15; and from 15-22. The actual development of the child, physical, mental, and emotional, will be discussed in three sessions, corresponding to the three age groups.
Addresses Sectional Meeting
Dr. Conant will also address a sectional meeting on the intellectual and social development of the age group from 15-22, which will be attended by college teachers and administrators. The subject of his talk will be, "The Significance of the History of Science." A discussion from the floor will follow.
During the conference there will be a display in connection with creative expression and the arts. There will also be commercial exhibits especially planned to be of direct help to parents and teachers.
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