
Instrumental Clubs Hold Annual Election of Officers

Theodore C. Osborne Elected President of Organization

In the annual elections of the Instrumental Clubs held last night at the Phillips Brooks House, Theodore C. Osborne '37 was elected president, John C. Wood '38 became the new vice-president, and Sturgis Warner '37 was reelected as treasurer.

Daniel S. Cheever '39 was elected to fill the position of Freshman Representative, a new post created last year. Edward L. Barnes '38 and Charles K. C. Lawrence '38 were chosen as secretary and Librarian respectively.

The post of publicity director is to be filled by George H. A. Clowes '37. James A. Ford '37 was chosen as Leader of the Vocal Club. Joseph W. Valentine '38 and Gilbert E. Jones were selected to lead the Mandolin and Banjo Clubs respectively.

Continuing as leader of the Gold Coast Orchestra will be John P. Ayer '37.
