Thirty-seven men will be voted on today and tomorrow to fill eight Senior Class offices. These offices are: First, Second and Third Marshal, Treasurer, Orator, Chorister, Poet, and Odist. Pictures of all candidates with a short biography are to be found on pages 3 and 4 of today's CRIMSON.
Ballot boxes will be placed in all the Houses during lunch and supper at the entrance to the dining halls. For commuters polls will be provided in Dudley, Sever, Pierce, and Harvard Halls between the hours of 10 and 1 o'clock on both Tuesday and Wednesday.
Eligibility of Voters
All men who entered with the Class of 1936 and any men who transferred from other colleges but are eligible for a degree in June, are eligible to vote.
Beside the election of these eight officers, Seniors will vote on whether to ratify the Constitution. This Constitution is the same as that of last year, but each Class must ratify it by individual vote.
Must Vote for Three Marshals
In the balloting for Marshal, care must be taken to specify first, second and third choice. If only one name is marked it will be assumed that the nominee is being voted for as First Marshal and he will be credited with three points. However, if three names are voted for, the choice for First Marshal will get three points, for second two, and the third man will be credited with one point. To be valid all ballots must be signed in the place provided for such signature. Unsigned ballots will be simply omitted.
Results on Friday
The results of this election will be announced in Friday morning's CRIMSON. On Tuesday and Wednesday, March 3 and 4, the offices of Class Secretary, Permanent Class Committee, and the Class Day Committee will be voted for. The Album Committee have already been elected.
The elections this year are in charge of Thomas H. Bilodeau '37 and George G. Hedblom '37.
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Lining Them Up