

Last autumn the Freshman class roused itself to present a great petition, begging permission to eat meals in the Houses without extra charge. Yesterday being the day for decisions, the College administration acted on the advice of the Student Council and announced that a brand new experiment will begin on April 10th. Freshmen may eat one meal a week in the Houses, exchanging Union fare for House fare on the counter signature of a House member. On the basis of this test flight, the final, permanent model will be set up.

Every move which tends to integrate the isolated residents of the Yard with the main body of the college should be supported and encouraged. Recently the bars to advanced courses were let down to entice qualified freshmen. The new meal plan ties up as action along the same general line. Together these changes should secure greater contact and make the plunge from the atmosphere and scholastic requirements of the Yard to that of House life less sudden.

This project should carry a great appeal, not merely to the sense of economy in the upperclassman who occasionally plays the host to his younger friends, but to the freshman who spends the year wondering what this new fangled House plan is all about. In the House dining hall the newcomer may discover where the lost generation of friends he knew at school have been hiding.
