
Strictly Speaking

Harold A., Wolff is now a mogul in the New England Democratic Campaign organization. He visited the White House a week ago.

The University has its own subway cable car crossing Mass. Ave. The top of the Boston subway tube is but two feet under the surface of the street, and through this two feet must pass Harvard's main heating tunnel from the Houses to the Yard.

So that engineers may also pass, a small cart has been placed in the tunnel. Thus, lying prone on the cart, with the trolleys a few inches above the nape of his neck and the subway just below him, the engineer grasps a cable and draws himself and cart through the tunnel.

The Alumni Bulletin is one of several publications available to White House servants in their reading room.

A parent's mid-year lament: Unfair Harvard, my son hast thou thrust from thy gates And with curses surrendered him o'er From imperial splendor of Lowell House Hall To a lodging that's on a top floor. Oh what was the use of his ancestor's work, Of his father's bombastic degrees, In History, Gov., Economics, and Math Master Johnny's been taking his EEE's.


In 1908 the Dartmouth Jayvees met the Harvard Freshman hockey sextet on Soldiers Field. The Harvard coach played the entire game with the Dartmouth team, scoring the Indians' only goal. The Freshmen won 2-1.

Last year at this time the Yale A. A. deficit was $650,000. Last fall's profitable football season has helped Mr. Michael Farmer reduce this sum to $525,000. The figures must be approximate since Mr. Farmer prefers to issue no financial statement.
