

Over a period of ten years Vagabonding has become such a popular pursuit that lately there has been a tendency for some students to trespass upon the precincts of the rightful members of the courses. Enrolled students find themselves crowded off the prayer rug by the pilgrims of other lands. Adequate facilities for the identification and allocation of auditors should be provided in every popular course, particularly in those which have no seating list.

The inconvenience is most acute in the small lecture rooms, especially in Harvard Hall. The later arrivals in Government 30 for example have perched on the windowsills, sprawled on the floor, and baked on the radiators, while a large host of auditors have appropriated the choice seats. The method used in English 22 of relegating auditors to the last two rows suggests a way of avoiding the haphazard scramble for seats. It is obvious that only by being given preferential treatment over the auditors can the regularly enrolled members of crowded lectures be assured of a place in their own courses.
