

Election of New Officers Delayed by Death of Frederick M. Miller, Newly Chosen President

As a result of its permitting George H. Edgell, Jr. '37 to play in its fall production under an assumed name, the Dramatic Club is undergoing a revision of its constitution which will establish a more responsible head of the organization. Edgell played the part of "Jimmy" in "Pudding Full of Plums" while on probation.

Because the Dramatic Club had been rather lax about enforcing Administrative Board rules in previous cases, the Board followed the precedent of the Lampoon reorganization after the Parody number last May and reached an understanding with the Club that there would be a reorganization before the Spring production.

This agreement has been accepted and the new constitution will soon be submitted to University Hall for approval. The Club has not been suspended as is intimated in some Boston newspapers this morning nor has there been any stipulation made about new elections. The choice of new officers usually takes place in January although a special election will have to be held on account of the death from pneumonia of Frederic M. Miller '37, the newly-chosen president.

According to University Hall officials and officers of the Dramatic Club, despite the reports in metropolitan papers, the Club will hold its spring production as usual.
