

Employment, Competitive Enterprise, Revenue and Expenditure Tables Lack Chairmen

Seniors and Juniors interested in taking an active part in the coming conference on "The Role of Government in the National Economy," run by the CRIMSON, the Yale NEWS, and the DAILY PRINCETONIAN, are invited to leave their names at 14 Plympton Street before the end of the week.

All Interested Welcome

Any man, whether a social science concentrator or not, who feels qualified to lead a roundtable discussion on one of the topics listed below will be given consideration. The three tables for which chairmen have not yet been picked are "The Maintenance of Employment," "The Government of Competitive Enterprise," and "Government Revenue and Expenditure."

All men interested will be very welcome, but it should be borne in mind that the duty of chairman of any of these tables presupposes a wide knowledge of the subject and will also require an ability to conduct informal discussion between a group ranging from Cabinet members to undergraduates.

20 Men Per Table


Each table will comprise approximately 20 to 25 men, about ten of whom will be prominent guests and faculty men from the three Universities. The remainder will be made up of undergraduates, partly from the staff of the three dailies and partly from the colleges as a whole.

Chairmen will assist in laying out the plans for the discussion, in picking speakers, and in drawing up agenda etc. During the Christmas vacation an effort will be made by the combined conference committees of the three newspapers to interview and arrange for the attendance of the guest speakers.
