

Unusually Fine Talent in Bunny House Makes First Attempt at Musicale Possible

For the first time in history, one of the Houses is to give a serious musical entertainment. The House to establish the precedent is Leverett, which will present the "Coffee Cantata" by Bach, next Sunday evening, December 13 at 8:15 o'clock. The performance will be given in the Leverett House Common Room, and is free to the public.

Music will be provided by the House Orchestra under the direction of David H. Kimball '39, assisted by the House Glee Club, combined with part of the Radcliffe Glee Club. Manager of the entire show is Edward L. Barnes '38, who is responsible for the original idea.

The cast will be in costume, silhouette's against a scenery background of rococco screens designed by students. There has been no professional or professional help at all in any of the coaching, musical arrangements or program.

The program is expected to last ninety minutes. If the music is well received by the 275 people expected to fill the Common Room, another program along the same lines may be attempted after the Christmas Holidays.

Before the "Cantata" there will be a half hour of Christmas Carols.
