If Freshmen were eligible for varsity competition, outlooks for this season in track would be perfectly lovely. They aren't, however, which changes the outlook some. Now that the Freshman. Varsity meet is all finished; the pseudo experts can begin forecasts for the winter season. The only trouble is that the meet didn't tell much.
One thing was apparent from the results: the Varsity runners are almost all without exception greatly in need of a litle practice. In fact, if they don't get in a whole lot of practice between now and then, they're sure to be sat on. It's all right for the Freshmen to have a bunch of good runners but when they start beating the captain of the Varsity, they're going too far. And when their relay team beats the Varsity, they're going too far. And when they win the 600, they're--well they've already gone too far anyway.
No Times Divulged
No times were divulged in the meet held this week. The only reason that can be assumed is that they were so horrible that Jaakko didn't want them to be known.
As a matter of fact, the team seems so bad that it can't be true. That seems to be the safest assumption to go on. We'll just figure that they're due to get a lot better before competition starts. Bill Schmidt ran a lot of good races last year. That he was beaten this year can be attributed only to some sort of fluke. Maybe the track was so slippery that he didn't dare to run his fastest. And the same seems to be the case with Bill O'Connor and Al Hanlon who were beaten by Jim Lightbody Fresh runner (fresh is against Crimson form, but we're sore at him. What's he trying to do, get elected captain or something).
But to get serious, and what an effort that is with all these beers, and tell who's on the team. From last year's Freshman team comes captain Al Hanlon who will concentrate on the 440 and Gammons, a good dash man. More important than both of these together is Bob Randall, if he gets off pro at midyears. He was good for 20 points in the Yale meet last spring. Bob Sears in the weigh events; Fred Ulen in the dash, except that his father seems to have prevailed upon him to go out for swimming this winter; and Roswell Brayton and George Gardner in the distance runs are other runners from the class of 1939. These runners form a strong sophomore nucleus, but they were beaten pretty steadily last year, so there's nothing there to get terrible excited about. But still they'll be getting some points.
For the Varsity there's the aforesaid Schmidt in the hurdles and dash. If he can beat Donovan from Dartmouth in the Quadangular meet in either of these events it will be surprising, but he can be counted upon for some points. In the weight events he will be aided by Steve Brennan, Ed Young, and Bert Litman. In the middle distance events, the point winners are expected to be Al Northrop, if he gets off pro, and Bill O'Connor. For the long ones, Henry Marey, Cyrus DeCoster, and Charley Worth. The pole vault has Emil Dubiel, maybe.
Breaks Needed
In other words, if half the team gets off pro, if they all work like. Trojans during the Christmas vacation and reading period so that they can get off pro, if they get the breaks, if Mikkola's and Neufeld's genius succeeds in improving their form and whatnot, and if they get the breaks, they will win some meets this winter.
But it's doubtful if the team continues the winning streak that has gone on uninterruptedly for so many years now.
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