

Juniors Have Been Elected in May and Do Not Take Active Part Until Fall; Franchise Defined

At its weekly meeting last night the Student Council voted to change its By-Laws in order to make easier the work of the Senior Album Committee. The proposal came from Neil G. Melone '37, chairman of this year's Album committee and a member of the Council.

Melone suggested that the By-Laws be so changed as to provide for the election of Juniors to the Album Committee at the same time that the senior elections are held, namely in the third week of the second term. Juniors are now elected during the fourth week after the spring vacation and do not assume any active duties until the next year.

Practical Experience

Under the new system it will be possible for Juniors to take office immediately and get some actual practice under the Senior board so that when they are given the responsibility in the next year, they will not be inexperienced.

The change in the By-Laws will necessitate an amendment to the Council Constitution which proposed amendment must be posted for a period of 30 days in a public place. After this period is up the council can then vote on the question, a simple two-thirds majority being enough to make the changes.


Melone said that his board, when they took over the task of planning for the 1937 Album, found themselves handicapped by ignorance of their predecessors' experiences in dealing with engravers, printers, etc. and in laying out the actual work of production.

Junior Album Election

The most important change is contained in the By-Laws on Junior Album Elections, page 13, section 5; the revised law, as suggested by Melone, will read -- "Section 8--These five Juniors, elected the year before, then engage in the preparation of the Album for the present year. Within a week after this Album has gone to press, these five Juniors shall elect one of their number to be chairman for the next year. They will be in complete charge of the publication of the Album for their own Class."

The next section provides that "all those who appeared in the Red Book of the Class in question, and transfer students, shall be eligible to vote." No provision regarding voting qualifications now exists, and much confusion always arises during election as to who shall be counted.
