
Iacovleff Portrait of Professor Roger Merriman Presented at Eliot House

Before Gathering of 150 President Conant Accepts Gift of Alumni and Undergraduate Residents of Eliot House; Picture Will Be Temporarily Displayed in House Library

At tea in Eliot House last Wednesday, President Conant accepted on behalf of the College a portrait of Roger B. Merriman '96, Gurney Professor of History and Master of Eliot House, presented by present undergraduates and former resident members of the House, and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Merriman.

An audience of approximately 150 was present to hear President Conant's acceptance, not only as the highest officer of the University, but also as an alumnus who two decades ago was an undergraduate residing in Eliot House.

After Francis O. Mathiessen, associate professor of history and former Head Tutor of the House, had given a brief talk on the significance of the gift, John M. Potter '26, instructor and tutor in history and literature, spoke of the personality of the House Master. Potter, who is the present Head Tutor of the House, commented particularly on the distinction of Professor Merriman's record as Master and the hospitality he has demonstrated in filling it.

The portrait was painted by the artist, Alexandre Iacovleff, head of the School of Painting of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. It is temporarily hanging in the Eliot House Library and the permanent disposition has not yet been definitely decided upon.
