

Seven Captains, Five Managers Will Compose Committee, Only Two of Whom Are From Minor Sports

James J. Gaffney '37, captain of the football team, has been elected president of the Undergraduate Athletic Committee, it was announced by the Athletic Association today. At the same time George S. Ford '37, captain of the hockey team, was elected secretary of the Committee.

The Committee is composed of the five major sports captains, the managers of the major sports, and the president and secretary of the Minor Sports Council. John J. Colony "37, captain of the swimming team, and Ernest A. Gray '37, captain of the basketball team, were elected president and secretary of the Minor Sports Council earlier in the year.

The five major sports captains besides Gaffney and Ford, are Thomas H. Bilodeau '37, captain of the baseball team; William H. Schmidt '37, captain of the track team; and Edward H. Bennett '37, captain of the crew.

The managers of the teams are: Charles W. Hubbard, 3d '37, track; Walter H. Page '37, football; Alden S. Blodgett, Jr. '38, hockey; S. Gray W. Thoron 38, baseball; and Gilbert E. Jones '38, crew.
