

The problem of placing upperclassmen in the seven Houses is an annual Spring headache for the University. The official figures indicate that 191 undergraduates were refused admission last year. Except for the vague rumor of a new House, little has been done to solve the problem.

A partial solution would be to limit the number of graduate students to just those men serving as tutors, unless, after full consideration of undergraduate applications, rooms were still vacant.

Under the present ruling a House Master is allowed to fill 5 per cent of his annual quota with graduate students. Small as this percentage may seem, it equals one third of the men who are refused admission to the Houses each year. Although most of the graduates form a desirable element, and contribute a great deal to House activities, the fact remains that the Houses were built for the undergraduates, and they should be considered first.

Many bona fide students are deprived of the privileges of the House system because of the inclusion of graduates who have already spent three or more years in them. Considering the present enrollment figures, and the capacity of the Houses, there is no reason why undergraduate applications should not be considered first, since the House Plan was designed primarily for them.
