With Sumner Willard '37, Paul E. Ogle '40, Gerald E. Deakin '40, and Frederick Peachy 1G heading the cast, the annual French Club Play starts on its way towards production next week.
Two One-Act Plays
This year's performance, composed of two one-act plays, Maurey's "Asile de Nuit" and Courteline's "le Commissaire est bon enfant," will be presented in Brattle Hall on the evening of December 11, Manager Howard A. Cook '37 announced yesterday.
The Production Staff
The production staff include Freedom H. Ainsworth '38, electrician, Laird M. Ogle '37, publicity manager, Allan K. Hartman '37, property manager, Robert J. Stevenson '37, in charge of patroness lists, and Cyrus C. deCoster '37, assistant manager in charge of production.
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