
New Red Book Pamphlet Will Be Published in Three Weeks

400 Subscriptions Netted by Recent Circulation Campaign

The new early edition of the Red Book, containing names, pictures, schools, and addresses of Yardlings will be published in the last week of November, according to an announcement by John L. Donnell '40, Chairman of the Book. Subscriptions thus far have mounted to over four hundred, and quite a few more are expected.

Donnell has also announced the appointment of John Sisson '40, of Wigglesworth B-12 and Milton Academy, as Assistant Business Chairman; Arthur L. Hadden '40, of Groton School and Wigglesworth F-31, as Circulation Manager; and John M. Eaton, Jr. '40 of Belmont Hill and Holworthy 15, as Advertising Chairman.

The price for the combination is the same as that of the regular book of former years.
