
Elevators of All Kinds to Bedevil All Who Would Travel Vertically at Ease

Holyoke Automatic Terror to Slight Section Men and Others Under 200 Pounds

Elevators of all kinds and size are in use by a University which, unlike the University of Pittsburgh is not concentrated in a single skyscraping building, but which spreads from the Museum to the River and beyond.

Each House boasts at least one elevator, but residents who habitually enter late and in an enfeebled condition shouldn't raise their hopes too high, for the "elevator" means only a food lift from the kitchen to the basement and back again.

Many of the others are freight elevators, or else they are in buildings where they get little use. An example of the latter kind is the one in the Indoor Athletic Building, the location of which is known but to a few. The elevator in Lehman Hall, too, manages more or less successfully to look like a closet.

The Union, Adams House, Russell Hall, and the Business School each maintain freight lifts, principally for dining rooms. The Biology Laboratory has two hydraulic elevators, presumably to move skeletons and whatever biologists use from floor to floor.

The electric elevators in Holyoke House and Widener get the most use, although there are many members of the Faculty and student body who, after one attempt, have sworn off for life. In recent years, however more and more have been venturing into the Widener life, and the time is now rare when it pauses on its headlong flight between floors.


Only exceedingly rugged individuals, though try the Holyoke automatic, the principal reason being the weight and heft of the doors. Some of the smaller section men have been known to wait hours on the first floor inside the elevator waiting for football men to arrive for their history conferences, so that they can get out to give quizzes the next day.

Langdell, Peabody Museum, the Institute of Geolgraphical Exploration, the Physics building and Millinckrodt are similarly equipped while the lift at Claverly is distinguished by having the only elevator with an automatic return in the University.
