
Fifty Scholarships Will Be Given to 1940 at Mid-Years

Transfer Men Also Eligible for Awards in February

More than 50 mid-year scholarships will be awarded in February to Freshmen and transfer students on the basis of academic attainment. Applications for the awards must be field at 4 University Hall before December 15.

Last year 59 students received scholarships totaling $10,725. Of this amount, $5,600 went to 30 men who had previously received no scholarships, and the remaining $5,125 was awarded to 29 men as an increase to the scholarships which they had received on the basis of their high school work.

Scholarships are awarded on standards of academic achievement, reports of individual instructors and tutors, and the financial need of the applicant.

A special prize in the group is the Edwards Whitaker Prize Scholarship, to be awarded to the Freshman who shows the most outstanding scholastic ability and intellectual promise as indicated by his first half-year's work.
