
* The Moviegoer *

"Swing Time" and "Wives Never Know" Form Rarest of All Gems--a Good Double Bill

Guaranteed to ease the wandering student gently back into the rigour of academic life after the Thanksgiving respite, the current double bill at the University featuring "Swing Time" with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, and "Wives Never Know" starring Charley Ruggles and Mary Boland, is one of the most entertaining, and colorful of the year.

Anyone who has not yet seen "Swing Time" should correct that definitely. Containing some of the best music to which Astaire and Rogers have danced, it is not hampered by a trivial thing like a plot, which after all, has no place in a musical comedy. The dancing is, of course, superb. Miss Rogers has learned in a relatively short time to swing with the very best, and her efforts no longer have that strained, forced effect that was noticeable when she was chasing in Mr. Astaire's wake two or three years ago.

"Wives Never Know" is the most pleasantly absurd comedy that the Ruggles-Boland combination has yet produced. In it, Mr. Ruggles is determined to be as wicked as possible so as to satisfy his wife, who has made up her mind that she is losing something from life. This all sounds a trifle complicated, and Miss Boland gets "that way" after listening to Adolph Menjou, the author of "Marriage, the Living Death". All in all the hill is worthy of recommendation for all who find Cambridge a grim place these days.
