
Crimson Pits Fighting Spirit, Ability to Rise to Great Heights, and Determination

Ready to Make Goal Line Stand If Occasion Should Arise This Afternoon

New Haven, Conn., Nov. 20--New Haven is seething with excitement tonight as enthusiastic football fans are pouring in to witness what is expected to be one of the most exciting games in the East this season. Both Yale and Harvard are confident of victory but consensus of opinion is that the Bulldogs will emerge victories in this, the fifty-fifth game of the two universities.

Princeton Victory

In the earlier part of the week the Yale team was still wreathed in smiles from the Princeton victory. However, as the eve of battle approached the jubilant spirit disappeared and the Elis settled down to serious work. Thursday afternoon for the first time the tarpaulins of the Bowl were peeled off and coach Pond ordered a secret session behind locked gates. For the most part the Yale practice was devoted to dummy scrimmage against the Crimson plays which were effectively stopped. As might be expected the famous combination of Kelley-Frank was given considerable attention, and there is no doubt that Kelley will make every effort possible tomorrow to duplicate his previous Big Three performances. Dave Colwell has now completely recovered from his operation and will be on hand to handle any difficult punting assignment that might arise. Bill Dickens has also returned to the Blue fold after a long absence due to a knee injury.

Excellent Condition

From end to end the Blue players are in perfect shape and line Coach Marshall Wells is confident that his proteges will be prepared to make any goal line stand if the occasion should arise.


Beside Captain Kelley there will be four men playing their last Yale game. Jack Wright, veteran iron man player of two years, Bob Beckwith, center, Bob Carey, end and Buddy Miles, back.
