This afternoon the last and most dramatic football practice of the year will be held on Soldiers Field. Seven Seniors will take part in their last drill as undergraduates.
Captain Jim Gaffney, Charley Kessler, Bob Jones, Bill Watt, George Hedblom, Mal McTernen, and George Ford run through their final signal drill today.
Because of the frozen condition of the field, necessitating the greater part of the practice being held inside the Briggs Cage, this last squad practice will not be open to the College.
A light workout yesterday finished up the serious preparation for the Bulldog. Only the kickers worked out in the Stadium, while the signal drill and pass defense and offense were carried on in the Cage.
Tomorrow at 9 o'clock the squad, together with the Jayvee team, and the Freshman, Jayvee, and Varsity soccer teams, leaves Back Bay station on their special train for New Haven. The football team will be quartered at the Choate School as usual, and will adhere to its time-honored custom of drinking champagne toasts to the last winning captain, John H. Dean '33, the "next winning captain," Jim Gaffney, and Coach Dick Harlow.
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