In Framingham over Armistice Day and Climbed Nobscot "Mountain", looking over miles of Massachusetts though cold bright air. Roses in My Love's cheeks. The mountain is not much but steep in places and you get up a nice wind climbing in a hurry. A trail over boulders and around logs and it is all rather civilized because you meet people on their way down, but nevertheless the nicest hill to climb near Boston.
Read in Randall: "Making of the Modern Mind" for History 64a. Looked through a portentous new book called "Plays About the Theatre in England from 'The Rehearsal' in 1671 to the Licensing Act in 1737, or, The Self-Conscious Stage and its Burlesque and Satirical Reflections in the Age of Criticism." 33 words, counting "Self-Conscious" as one. Mr. Dane Farnsworth Smith wrote it. It is dedicated to Kitty.
Also ran through DeVoto's "Forays and Rebuttals", recently off the presses of Little, Brown and Company in Boston. A very interesting collection of his essays and articles on literature, history, education. Enjoyed the long chapter entitled "The Centennial of Mormonism" about Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Mormons are not necessarily polygamists etc. Joseph Smith found the golden tablets of the Angel Moroni on a hilltop in Palmyra, New York. When the Vagabond was little he went to Palmyra once, on Decoration Day, to see an auto-race.
Tomorrow to the Navy game and to the Kirkland House party afterwards. Puzzled all week over whether to wear soft or dress shirt and now the dilemma is settled because he hasn't enough money to pay for laundering any of his three dirty shirts. Two bits will go a long ways to buy one cocktail before dinner. And a cocktail inside a soft shirt is better than a dress shirt outside of nothing at all. . .
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